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"Omigod, who is he? He's kinda cute! Do I know him? Is he single? Wait, are you two secretly dating? I swear I've seen him before... was he at the coffee house? Wait, does this mean you're not getting with Owen?"
Selene fired questions at top speed, grabbing Nyx's shoulders and shaking her in excitement.

Nyx let out a nervous giggle. "O-kay, let's get you a seat before you hyperventilate so much you pass out."
"I don't want a seat, I want to know his name!"
Nyx rolled her eyes. "Sydney."
"Yeah, Sydney 'Arbourbridge."
"Very funny, Nyx. But seriously."
Nyx fumbled for a way to diffuse the situation. "Uh... Well, we're not dating, so there's no need."

Selene squinted at her. "Are you blind? Can you not see him? Why are you two not dating?"
Nyx sighed in exasperation.
"I think you're blind. If you'd had a really close look at him, you'd be much more supportive of me not-dating him."
"Uh... I don't know, he never asked me out. But come on, we're hardly even friends. I only met him a short while ago."
"Ah ha!" Selene yelled victoriously, pointing a finger at Nyx. "So you admit you have met him before!"
"No, we tend to invite total strangers to our parties." Nyx sighed, rolling her eyes and walking away.

She found Sebastian leaning on the end of the stairs, not looking so good.
"Migraine again?"
"My head feels like it's on fire."
"I told you to move away from the music. Then I invited you to dance, so I can't really blame you for that one." She put a hand on his shoulder in a reassuring fashion. "Maybe we should get Lady Mater. At least she'd know where the painkillers are."
He shook his head. "Can we just go somewhere quieter?"

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