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And that is how Nyx L'ange ended up in a Chinese restaurant on New year's eve with Shadowhunter public enemy number 1.5.

After sending a brief text to Selene to say she'd gone off with a friend, (To which Selene replied; 'Is he cute?' Punctuated with a volley of emoji's.) Putting away her phone, Nyx looked at Sebastian from across the table. "Okay, spill the beans. And the moment you go with 'its complicated' as an explanation, I'm out of here."

"Uh... Okay... I'm not sure where to start."
"Were you always this terrible at saying stuff?"
He scowled. "No. I used to be really good at it. But then I died. Now I'm a wreck, and I don't really understand what's going on. Cut me some slack!"
"Okay, don't get all... you know. How about you just answer my questions and we go from there, okay?"
He nodded.

"Good. Okay. Uh... you said something about a weapon. Tell me about that."
He rubbed his eyes, obviously trying to think.
"The weapon... I don't know what it is. But, I know the Draugr want it. Apparently, because I'm living with Lady Mater, they think I can help them get it. I'm not going to. I'm not getting involved with anything Lilith does."

"O-kay... That's probably a good idea." Said Nyx, mulling over what he'd said. "Note to self: Next time you're interviewing suspicious demon boys, bring a notepad."
"Okay... blackouts. Your blackouts."
"I've already told you everything. Weren't you going to help work that out? "
Nyx gestured between them. "This is me helping. I just don't have a lot to go on."
"True." Sebastian thought about it. "Well, before I black out, I get a burning migraine, sometimes I randomly get angry or frustrated, and I always wake up far away from where I blacked out."
"And you killed someone."

Sebastian looked almost green. "Don't remind me. I don't want to remember that."

Nyx thought about it. And thought. And something crept into her mind.
"Do you remember when you found your way to my house, but couldn't answer how you knew the way?"
He wouldn't look her in the eye. "Yes."
"Okay, I'm going to ask this once, and I promise, I'll accept whatever you say. Do you remember anything after you black out?"

He wouldn't even look at her now. "I... I remember... everything."

Sorry. That probably ruined the moment.
But I couldn't resist.
So, was it good?

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