Somewhere quieter

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The cool breeze blew across Nyx's skin as she rested her forearms on the cold metal rails of the balcony. She shivered slightly, wishing she'd brought a jacket or something.
Besides her stood Sebastian, eyes closed and stock still, the golden glow of the city lights turning his hair strange colours.

She smiled slightly. "Better?"
"A little."
Nyx shivered again. He opened his eyes to look at her. "Are you cold?"
"A bit. Wishing I didn't have a hatred of tights, actually. Could do with some about now. And a jacket, but my damn wings would get in the way. Next year, I'm wearing something with sleeves." She folded her arms together, rubbing her shoulders. "Why, are you not cold?"
"Not really, no."

He winced again, clutching his temples. "Stop it!" He growled low, under his breath.
"Me or the headache? Cause I'm not doing anything." Nyx smiled ruefully. "Sorry, I'm not making fun of your pain. Jokes are just my defense mechanism."
"It's okay, I don't mind... ow!" He ground his palm between his eyes. "Fu... it hurts!"

Nyx couldn't stop herself from placing a hand on his shoulder and rubbing gently. Then she whipped it away. "Holy... you're burning up! You are definitely not well."
He chuckled darkly. "Yeah, I know. Gods sake, does that kid ever stop crying?"
"What kid?" Nyx looked confused. Then she heard it, over the din of the party, a baby's cry. "Abby. She's awake. Uh..."
She glanced between Sebastian and the door. "I have to go to her... uh... you can stay here, I'll be back shortly."
He shrugged. "Do what you like. I'm not going anywhere."
"Now I feel mean. Uh... You can come if you want, just... I don't know."
"Nah, I understand." He smiled lightly. "She's your baby."
"Actually, my step-brothers baby but he only gives a damn when it suits him. Come on, it'll be fine."
She tugged his hand in a friendly manner, mentally wondering how it got to this. There was no way this would go down well with anyone.

Nobody's ever just going to let them have a moment, are they? Ah well, the next chapter should be good!

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