Nyx's relaxing evening

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Rachel was out for the evening, Nick was long gone, Travis was playing some loud computer game, Selene was occupied and Abby was currently asleep.
All in all, it was a nice, relaxing evening for for Nyx...
"Bah! What the hell? We do have a door you know!"

Sebastian pulled himself through the window, settling on her windowsill.
Nyclx glared at him. "This better be earth-shatteringly important, you're cutting into my long evening of doing very little."
"I don't remember what I did last night."
Nyx smiled sarcastically. "Oh, that's easy. You came here. That's how you know certain things like the way, how to climb the wall and that by sitting here you can essentially hold me prisoner in this room for as long as you like. Actually, whilst we're on the topic, how do you know the way he...?"

He put his hand over her mouth, effectively shutting her up. "Stop talking for two goddamn minutes! I remember that bit. It's the bit after that that I'm not to sure about. Got it?"
Nyx nodded slowly behind his palm.
Slowly, he removed his hand. "Stay quiet until I'm done, okay?"
He said softly. She nodded again, silently wondering if she could get to the door without him catching her. The odds didn't look great.

"So I'm leaving your house, walking down the road, when the migraine comes back. And it's blindingly painful, like someone set fire to my skull, and it hurts so much I think I'm going to pass out. Next thing I know, I'm waking up in a ditch streets away from where I started."
Nyx nibbled her lip. "Well, that explains the bad attitude this morning."
"Oh, that's not even the worst part!" He said, running his fingers anxiously through his hair. Nyx raised an eyebrow.
"Should I be worried or was it just humiliating?"
"Well, I think I killed someone."
Nyx choked. "Holy... the fuck?... you sure?"

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