Permission and ideas

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Of course, Lady Mater wasn't too sure about the idea. Then they put Nyx on the phone and suddenly she was willing to bend over backwards.

"Of course you can borrow the ballroom! I'll probably have to lock up half the house, but I think we can manage. Fair warning though, I have a guest..."
"Yeah, I know. I've met him."
Lady Mater went silent on the line, before speaking nervously. "You... you have? I tried to tell him not to, honest! In fact, I don't even want him in my house! He just kind of... is."
"As long as he doesn't crash the party, he's fine." Nyx said, though she knew it was a lie. He was not going to be fine within a hundred miles of her family. But she could hardly stop the party, it wouldn't be fair.

"Oh, sure. What interest would he have in a Halloween party anyway?"
They both sounded tentative and on edge, as if too nervous to really say what they were thinking.
"Yeah... it'll be fine. ...On a different note, you don't mind us coming over to decorate, do you?"
"Oh, no, it's fine!" Lady Mater sounded relieved at the change of subject. "Yeah, come over and create a haunted house whenever you like!"
"Funny. But probably not."

Getting off the phone, she sat down at the table besides Selene and Travis. Abby gurgled from her highchair.
"We have the ballroom! Yay. Now more pressingly, what should I wear for Halloween?"
"Just recycle your Medusa costume from last year." Travis said. "No one will mind."
Nyx gave him the stink-eye. "I'll mind."
Selene intervened. "What about... the headless horseman?"
"Done it."
"Zombie cheerleader?"
"Done it."
"Harry potter?"
"Killer ragdoll?"
"Done it."
There was a silent pause.

"Yeah, I got nothing."

But I do! I think I now know what costumes everyone's gonna have! All shall be revealed in a chapter or two!

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