Third degree

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Rachel insisted on feeding them cookies at the kitchen table, just to give herself the opportunity to give 'Christopher' the third degree.

"Do you have a job?"
"Not currently, no."

"Have you had many girlfriend's before meeting Nyx?"
"Uh... Some?"

"Do you have a criminal record?"

"Okay!" Nyx cut in. "This is fun, but let's not get into this discussion this time of night. Hey, Chris, don't you need to go home now?"

Rachel fixed her gaze back on him. "Where do you live, Chris? I swear I've seen you before. Is it around here somewhere?"

"Um..." he looked uncomfortable. "I'm currently staying with Lady Mater."
"Of course you are." Rachel said dryly. "That explains it."

Nyx raised an eyebrow. "Explains what?"
Rachel waved her hand nonchalantly. "I'll tell you later, sweetheart. So, what do you plan for the future?"

"Uh..." he was completely stumped by that one. "... get a place of my own... maybe a job... uh..."
Nyx carefully placed her palms flat on the table. "Rachel, how come Selene can date guys eight years older than her with shaved heads and drinking problems that she's met in seedy bars and yet you never give them such a grilling?"

Rachel gave her a look. "It's not the same. Selene knows it's not a serious relationship. And she can handle herself when it falls apart. You can't."

Nyx struggled to keep her cool. "How would you know that? I've never been in the situation. I'd actually like to be in the situation, because it'd mean everyone had stopped treating me like I'm six."
"We don't treat you like your six..." Rachel began.

Nyx interrupted. "You know what? I'm tired. I don't want to have this conversation. But for the record, mum, I love you very much but I know for a fact you'd hate whoever I dated. Because in your head I'm still the baby."


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