Truth or dare

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"Nick, Truth or dare?"

Nick held Travis's gaze, trying to see what he was thinking.
"Uh... dare?"
"I dare you to go into Selene's room and steal something of hers."
"Oh no you don't!" Yelled Selene, getting up and racing to protect her room.

Nyx couldn't help but giggle as she watched them go. "Oh God. Bet you anything he snags her hairdryer. She loves that thing."

Everyone struggled not to laugh as a high pitched screeching came from above. "Gimme back my goddamn dryer you freak!"
Luci rolled her eyes. "Now that's attractive."

Selene and Nick stormed back in a hurry, both flustered, Nick grinning wickedly and Selene giving him the death-glare, her blonde hair tangled and ratty.

Travis laughed. "Okay, Nick's turn."
"Selene, Truth or dare?"
Selene snarled at him. "Dare."
"I dare you to call your sister. Sylvia. And wish her Merry Christmas! "

This went on and on, Nick and Selene baiting each other, until Nyx couldn't take it anymore. "For God's sake, Selene, pick someone else!"
"Fine! Okay... Christopher, Truth or dare?"
"Never mind, Nick was fine. Go back to baiting him. Please!"
"Or, you know, keep playing. It's totally fine, I don't care anymore."

"I dare you to... braid Nyx's hair."
"No, I'm caring. And objecting. And... he better not touch me!"

'Christopher' chuckled. "That doesn't seem so challenging."
"Wait until you loose a finger." Snarled Nyx. "No one touches my hair."
"Don't be such a baby!" Chimed Selene teasingly. "I'll get a hairbrush."
"No, no, no, no no no no no! No! Just no!"

She almost flinched as he came and sat behind her, taking the brush from Selene.
"Do you even know how to braid?" Nyx asked irritably.
"I'll teach!" Said Selene, hopping over to sit next to him.

"Great, now there's two people doing my hair!"

A finger brushed her shoulder, making her shiver.
"Oops." Sebastian chuckled.

Merry Christmas everyone! Have two pages, cause I feel like it!

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