Insanely fabulous

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The knock at the door took no one by surprise.
Nyx rolled her eyes, getting up and pulling it open.
"No, we are not abusing the child. No, I am not interested in being turned into a Shadowhunter weapon. No, we are not interested in buying double glazing. Oh, hello Magnus."
Magnus raised an eyebrow. "Do you get a lot of trouble with Shadowhunter's selling double glazing?"
Nyx shrugged. "Totally could happen. Are you here for a reason?"
"Yes, I need to talk to Rachel."
Nyx leant casually on the doorframe, blocking his path. "About what? Not that I really care, I'm just bored. And curious."
"About magic. Now don't you have homework or something not directly in my way to do?"
"Not really. I'd go to the cinema, but I have no cash." Nyx looked at him expectantly.

Selene called from the kitchen. "Nyx, stop doing your highway man act and let him in. Magnus, don't give her a dime, she's actually loaded."
Nyx scowled but cleared out of the way. Rachel took Magnus into her office, so they wouldn't be disturbed.
Nyx scowled at Selene. "Bet he would have paid up too."
Abby gurgled happily from her highchair. Nyx smiled. "See, you agree with me. I could have made a mint."
"Nyx, don't teach the baby bad habits." Selene said warningly. "We don't need two of you running around. I don't think Magnus could take it and I definitely don't think the Clave could handle it."
"Because I'm just that fabulous?" Nyx said with a wide grin.
Selene spoke sarcastically. "Yeah, that's it. You're an amazing role model."
"I think so too." Nyx chimed, pretending to take Selene's words seriously. "I'm just too insanely fabulous for you meager mortals!"
"Insane is right. "Muttered Selene under her breath.

Sorry, bit of a filler. But I don't like cutting to the action straight away, so bear with me.

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