Evening plans

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The entire family was fuming on the way home.
Once they got in, after putting Abby to bed they recounted everything that had happened.
"... And then after interviewing us they just say they are going to 'review' the case and will contact us later. I swear, there is nothing they can legally do to take her away."
Travis snorted derisively. "Don't they basically make the laws? Trust me, if they want to, they'll find a way. The Clave has a way of fixing things to suit them."
Nick placed a hand on Travis's shoulder. "Positive mental attitude, mate. She's your daughter. It's more difficult to take a child from a blood parent without it being disputed."
"Yeah, if you're not a downworlder." Mumbled Travis.

Rachel cleared her throat. "And Nyx, what was that conversation I saw you leaving about?"
Nyx shrugged. "Oh, you know. Just the usual. Shadowhunter's pretending to be understanding when realistically they were just being nosey prats. Why do they seem to think unless they are directly involved, we have a problem? Really, we are perfectly fine on our own."
Rachel sighed wearily. "Doesn't matter anymore. We've done all we can."

This time, before going to bed, Nyx strung up a tripwire across her window, attached carefully to a pair of empty tin cans. When the intruder entered the room, the cans would rattle together, waking Nyx up so she could catch her 'guest'.
She debated opening the window, but decided against it. She hadn't on previous nights and she didn't want to raise suspicion.
She placed a baseball bat down besides the bed, within easy reach. Whoever this intruder was, was going to get such a surprise if he came tonight.
Snuggling down into her blankets Nyx smiled wickedly as she drifted off.

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