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A few days later Nyx came across an almost funny sight.

Rachel was struggling her way out of the attic and down the lader with a box of Halloween decorations over her shoulder.
The ladder wobbled precariously, causing Nyx to rush over and steady it.
"Hey, mum, careful!"

Rachel finally climbed down the ladder, dumping the box on the ground and stretching, making her back creak.
"Uh, I'm too old for this."
"Ah well, more sweets for me!"
Rachel tapped Nyx's nose playfully. "Eating so many sweets you get sugar rush and can't sleep for nine hours isn't healthy. Besides, aren't you a little old for Halloween?"
Nyx held her hands up expressivly.
"Hey, lady, you're the one getting the decorations out. I'm just casually volunteering to take Abby out trick or treating, and if that means I get burdened with  candy and chocolate as a consequence, so be it. It's a burden I am willing to bear."

Rachel fondly ruffled her daughter's hair. "You're a character, aren't you? I suppose you'll be dressing up in some fabulous concoction of your own as well?"
"Oh, naturally." Nyx nodded enthusiastically, then looked surprised. "Except... I haven't come up with anything yet. Why haven't I come up with anything yet? Usually I've been planning for months by now!"

Travis walked in at that moment. Faking a gasp at Nyx's statement, he threw a hand dramatically to his head. "Oh, the horror! Nyx hasn't decided on a Halloween costume! My whole belief system has crumbled around me!"
Nyx whacked him hard with a plastic skeleton.
"Ow! Okay, I'll behave!" He rubbed his arm where she'd hit him. "Hey, Rach, Selene wants permission to have this massive Halloween party, good, thanks, bye."

Rachel rolled her eyes. "Sometimes I hate teenagers. I honestly do."

Okay, in an ideal world this would have been written actually around Halloween. But the world isn't ideal, so it wasn't.

Also, I'm holding like a mini-competition to find Halloween outfits for Nyx and her siblings. Comment your suggestions and anyone's I use gets them a dedication on a page of their choosing!

This is also a test to see how many of you read my author notes.

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