Dance baby

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Rachel came into the baby's room in the morning to find Abby sleeping peacefully in her crib, her little fingers clenched tightly around Nyx's. Nyx was sitting besides the crib, her eyes wide with lack of sleep.
"She wouldn't let me leave. Every time I went to go, she cried. I've been up all night. And that's not the worst part. Mum, I think something came in last night. The window was open and I could definitely sense something in the room. I don't know what, but I think it's what freaked Abby out."
"Something in the room? Last night? Are you sure?"
"No, I'm not sure. But I'm convinced. Does that make sense?"

Rachel looked worried. "I'll do some spells or something, maybe see about some kind of ward. We have no proof, but I trust your instincts."
Nyx yawned. "Swell. Now, do you think I can get some sleep without madam sleeping beauty objecting?"
"You go. I'll stay with Abby for a while."
"Don't need to tell me twice. Don't wake me up before noon."

Nyx stumbled sleepily downstairs around midday.
Selene was dancing around the living room with Abby in her arms, Katy Perry pounding from her CD player.
She called to Nyx. "Morning sleepy, or rather, afternoon. Coming to dance with us or do you need to eat?"
Nyx smiled wearily. "I can dance for a few minutes."
Abby giggled and clapped as the girls jumped around with her in their arms, dancing to the music. "Abby, good dancing! You so clever!"
"Nyx, you know I told you about my cousin Owen coming to visit? Well, he's coming today."
Nyx stopped dancing. "Really? Do I still have to look after him? He's your cousin."
"Please Nyx." Selene said, a cheeky smile on her face. "It won't be bad. I promise."

Hey, you know I did in my last book a chapter or two which had the family celebrating Nyx's birthday?
Well, I kinda want to do something like that again, but I can't decide what.
I could do another birthday or I could do something like Christmas or Halloween or something, especially since I haven't yet specified what time of year it is.
I have no particular preference of what I do, so I'm asking, which do you guys want to see?

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