Internal panic

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"... and she was most definitely dead?"
Nyx asked, trying to control her internal panic. "She couldn't have been, like, just unconscious or something?"
"Oh, unconscious?" Sebastian said sarcastically. "Yes, with the chunk of her throat ripped out like that I'd definitely say she was unconscious."

Nyx swallowed hard. "You're scaring me slightly. A lot slightly. But... since you don't remember what happened, how do you know it was you?"
"The vast amount of blood covering me was a slight hint."
"Maybe... something else did it and you were helping her but she didn't make it then you passed out. That's how the blood got on you." She looked at his sceptical expression. "What? It could have happened like that!"
"Nyx, it's me. It's usually the worst scenario."
"Well, my worst scenario is that Voldemort did it, but that's highly doubtful. And... you have no idea who Voldemort is, do you?" She rubbed her hands together awkwardly. "Never mind, jokes lost. Basically, I refuse to believe you did it, mostly because I don't much like the idea of entertaining an ex-murderer in my head, let alone a current one."

Nyx eyed Sebastian's confused expression. She flashed a toothy, sarcastic grin. "Oh, I'm sorry, but wasn't it clear that I'm not entirely comfortable with you being here and I'll feel a lot better about it not thinking about people you may or may not have killed."
"Who killed what?"
"Oh damn. Damn, damn, damn, damn..."

Nyx turned to the Selene and forced a smile. "...The radio! He killed the radio! It was... not changing channel, like, at all, and he tried to fix it but... he killed it."
Sebastian turned his head away, on the pretence of being embarrassed but really it was to obscure his face. Selene may or may not recognise him, but they didn't want to risk it. This was going to be bad as it was.

Selene raised a pencilled eyebrow. "And who is 'he'?"
"This is..." Nyx fished for something non-incriminating and not 'oh look, what's that over there!'
"This is... S... J... Christopher." It sounded like a question.
Nyx could have kicked herself.
"Yeah, cause there's no way she's gonna see through that. Well done, Nyx. Well done."

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