Romance in the park

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Nyx was pushing Abby around the park, trying to clear her head, when not-Sebastian ran out of the trees and threw his arm around her shoulders.
"Did you miss me?"
"Are you stalking me?"

He gave her a look, causing her to grin. "Joking. And personally, I think Abby missed you the most."
"Oh, really? And why did Abby miss me, exactly?"
Nyx shrugged. "Because she likes you."
He nuzzled her hair. "Do you like me?"
"Only maybe?"
She chuckled. "Depends on the context."
"As a friend?"
"A bit. You've definitely got friend potential, if that's what you're aiming for." She smiled teasingly.
"As... more than a friend?"
She shrugged, still smiling. "Maybe."
He groaned. "Yes or no, Nyx."

"But that's not half as fun." She giggled. "Hey, now you know how I feel every time you say 'its complicated.' "
"Yes, but whenever I say its complicated, you're never leading up to asking me out, so the scenarios a little different."

Nyx was struck dumb. "Wait, you're trying to ask me out?"
He smirked. "Only if you're going to say yes."
"Maybe I am. Maybe I'm not." She nudged him playfully. "But hypothetically, if I did say yes, what would we do?"
"Depends. What do you wanna do? Hypothetically."
She thought for a moment. "Hypothetically, we could see a movie or something."
"And hypothetically, what movie would you want to see?"

Nyx thought, nibbling her lip. "Well, there's always the new Star wars. Hypothetically."
"Not so hypothetically, what's Star wars?"

Nyx stopped in her tracks. "You don't know Star wars? That's it, we're having a movie marathon. You can't just not know Star wars, you just can't!"
Abby gurgled loudly.
Nyx chuckled. "See, she agrees with me. Not that she's seen it, being a baby. But still!"

He held up his hands almost like he was surrendering. "Okay, okay, I get the picture. Star wars it is."

Okay, so hypothetically if I was going to turn a hypothetical character evil(ish) would you prefer the character to be kinda split in to, one good, one evil(ish) or would you just prefer an evil(ish) character who has good moments.

All hypothetical. No spoilers.

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