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Dancing with Nick wasn't bad. He actually was quite a talented dancer.
And it was fun playing the 'avoid' game.
"Avoid Owen, he's right there."
"Well, there's Selene, so we'll avoid her too."
"Are we avoiding Travis? Or do you love him too much?"
"Nyx, shut up or I'll avoid you."

Nyx cackled. Then a strange feeling crept down her spine.
A putrid, tar-like tang tickled her nose.
"Hey, Nick, do you smell that?"

Nick shrugged. "What, sweat, cigarettes and alcohol? I'm trying not to."
"No, blood and tar." Nyx inhaled again and almost gagged. "You know what? Never mind, I'm just gonna get some air."

As she approached the doors, a figure stood silhouetted in the doorway, but as she drew nearer, it turned and flitted off into the night.

The smell definitely grew worse outside, but luckily a cool breeze blew,swiftly replacing the scent with new, fresh air.

She knew exactly what that smell had reminded her of. Draugr.
She never wanted to so much as glimpse a Draugr again.
They were enough to give her nightmares nightmares.

It was there! Crouching low in an alley across from the building, on all fours almost like an animal, but it was definitely human.
Or had been human.

Nyx was so confused and a quite a bit scared.
"If that is a Draugr, then where the hell has it come from? Why's it spying on me from doorways and alleyways and whilst we're at it, what does it want? Has Lilith got some other dead psycopath she wants me to bring back? Cause I'm not doing it! It's bad enough having one of them sneak in through my bedroom window and... it's gone."

The Draugr had disappeared off into the alley.
Nyx shrugged, and turned back to the club. "Gone now. Not my problem."

A bloodcurdling shriek ripped through the air.

Nyx whipped around and against her better judgement, took off at a run towards the sound.

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