Surreal dancing

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Nyx had officially rewritten the meaning of surreal.

For a start, she was dancing with a guy, something she never did short of Travis.
But that wasn't even the best part.
She just prayed that everyone here was too busy dancing and getting drunk to notice exactly who she was dancing with.
Well, to be fair, the sunglasses were actually not a bad disguise, although he did look a bit weird with them on indoors.
Ah well, if anyone asked, she'd claim it was part of his costume.

Only problem was, he'd wince in pain every two minutes, often clutching at his head, but when she mentioned it, he was too stubborn to do anything that would make it better. She couldn't decide if he wanted to feel the pain or just didn't want to miss out on the party.
Or maybe painkillers just didn't work for him, who knows?

Tentatively, she put her hands on his shoulders. "Having fun?"
"Definitely. Who knew Evelyn could throw such a good party?"
"She can't. My sister Selene on the other hand..."
"You have a sister?"
"Adopted sister. And two adopted brothers. And an adopted mother and an adopted... niece... except she's actually Travis's daughter so not adopted to him, just everyone else... and I'm going off on a tangent, aren't I?" She flushed slightly with embarrassment. "Sorry, I'm a bit of a chatterbox."

He grinned and tapped her nose lightly. "Don't worry, I kinda like it. I'm curious about you."
"Not much to be curious about." She shrugged. "I live in a normal house on a normal street with a... fairly weird interpretation of a normal family and... my sister is jumping in heels and waving her hands like a loon trying to get my attention. I better go see what she wants before she breaks something, probably her leg. Don't run off."
He pouted slightly. "Would I do that?"
"I don't know, I've only recently met you."

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