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Clary grabbed Nyx's arm. "Come on, we've got to get you out of here."
Nyx looked back at the house. "But..."
"You do know that those... things are here, right?"

Nyx nodded. "Yeah, but... I'm waiting for someone."
"There's no time! I'll come back and find them, you've just got to come with me now!" She yanked Nyx's arm. "Come on!"

Something was off. Something was very off.

She pulled her arm from Clary's grip.
"I can walk by myself. I don't need to be towed."
"Fine! I don't care! Just shut up and move it! Just come on!"

"You're being rather pushy." Nyx narrowed her eyes. "I don't like it. Are your friends around here? I doubt you came on your own."

"They're around! Now come on!"
Nyx smiled. "Great, can I see them? I haven't seen Alec in a while, and I'd really like to."

Clary looked at her like she was nuts. "No! They're in the middle of fighting off Draugr! You'll just be a distraction!"

Alarm bells went off in Nyx's brain. "Earlier, you called them 'those things', as if you didn't know what they were. How do you now?"
"You said."
"Did not. Try again."
"I swear, you told me."

Nyx rolled her eyes. "So you won't let me wait for my friend, there's no evidence you're with you're friends, you let slip you knew something that you pretended you didn't, and now you're trying to convince me of some half-assed excuse? And on top of it all, I don't think Clary's mean. Sorry, Sweetie. But whatever your selling, I'm not buying."

"What do you mean? This is me. Come on!"
"Where are we going?" Nyx said, eyebrow raised skeptically. "You're not giving me very much information. Maybe it's because you're a fake!"

Clary growled frustratedly. Then, as Nyx watched, her eyes shifted slightly.
"Aha, I knew it!" Thought Nyx jubilantly. Then it clicked. "Uh oh, RUN!"

So, anyone want to talk to me?

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