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As soon as she saw him in the park the next day, she ran to him, pulling him into a tight embrace.
He paused for a moment, before wrapping his arms around her and pulling her close. "Are you alright?"

She nodded. "Yeah. What exactly was happening last night?"
"I think the gist was 'I can touch her too'." He looked down, pain evident on his features. " 'I can touch her stroke-able hair, and I can touch her kissable lips, and I can touch her... snap-able neck, too'. " He sat down on the bench and put his head in his hands.

Nyx sat next to him and just put her arms around him, her head on his shoulder. "So, essentially it's a threat. Why would you... he... other you... it... why threaten you?"
"Because I hate him."
"Good point. But what's... achieved by threatening you?"

He gave her a look. "I'm his biggest threat. I know him. I am him. He is me. And I want to get rid of him. Threatening you is an attempt to make me play nice."

Nyx nibbled her lip in thought, leaning forwards to scoop Abby out of the pram. Abby gurgled happily, reaching for Sebastian with a toothy grin. He smiled broadly at her, letting her take his finger.
"I promise, I'm not going to let anything happen to either of you. Even if it means I have to leave."

Nyx started. "Wait, what? No! Stay! I can help you. I did promise."
He chuckled. "And to think there was a time when you wanted nothing more than me to leave." He sighed. "I really like you, Nyx. I've never really had chance to... just like someone. No burning passion or angry hatred, just... respect and trust. It's more amazing than I would have thought."

Nyx grinned. "Oh, I'm just generally amazing."
"Well, you're certainly not modest."
"Hey! I'm perfect and you know it!"

The park echoed with the sounds of their joyous laughter.

Aww! In some ways, this is cuter then the first time they kissed.
And now that's back in my mind... Aww!

I'm just gonna go over here and... Aww!

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