Home again

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Selene pounced on them as soon as they got home. Sweeping up Abigail in her arms she twirled her around the room, making her giggle.
Nyx flopped down onto the couch, exhausted. Selene danced around with Abby, the baby cooing and gurgling with enjoyment. "So, what did my little girl do today, huh?" Selene said, rubbing noses with Abigail, making her laugh. "Did you go out today, did you go see lots of things? Hey, Nyx, where did you go?"
"Hospital." Nyx yawned, rubbing her eyes. "To see Maddie. And then to the park, but we decided to leave early so little missy was sulking with me about not getting ice cream."
Selene smiled at Abby. "Ice cream, huh? You're definitely one of us. Come on, let's go see if we've got any in the freezer."

Nyx turned on the TV, flicking through channels aimlessly.
In the back of her mind, she was replaying the three minutes she'd seen of Lady Mater and the hooded stranger.
Not that she cared or anything.
Lady Mater was like some eccentric Lara Croft, and whilst that sounds cool, it isn't a good basis for a friendship.
It was just... intriguing. Like something from a mystery book.

A few minutes later she was drawn from her thoughts by Nick flopping down besides her.
"Evening. Where's little Abby?"
"Selene beat you to it. But I think you'll find them near the freezer. They're after ice cream."
"Cheers. Hey, are you okay?"
Nyx sighed, rubbing her eyes again. "Not really. I'm tired. Baby cried all night and both Travis and Selene seem to have conveniently selective hearing."
Nick raised an eyebrow. "Selene I can understand not bothering. And her bedroom is the other side of the house. But Travis? He's the kids father!"
Nyx shrugged. "I'm guessing then you haven't noticed how so non-interested he's been in Abby. I mean, we've done more than he has, and she's his child!"

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