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She was back at the cliff. She hadn't been here in a while actually, but the place felt so familiar. It filled her with dread, now she knew what it possibly meant.

And there he was, just a shadow, standing on the cliff edge.

And he was screaming​.

Around him, the storm crashed in the sky, creeping towards the light as if trying to shut it out. Lightening veined across the sky, blood red and jagged.

He crouched on the edge of the cliff, looking so small, so lost, so desperate.

Nyx wanted to go to him. She wanted to hold him and tell him everything was alright. She wanted to save him.

But her feet were as heavy as lead. She could barely move, the wind pushing hard against her to blow her back, the group sticking around her feet, sucking her down into the dirt.

She wanted to cry out to him, let him know she was there. But the storm whipped her voice away, into barely a whisper.

Tears trickled down her face as she watched his helpless figure. She'd never seen him look so small, curled in on himself, arms wrapped around himself like he was afraid he was going to fall apart.

She remembered what he'd said about being able to see the other him in the water. Something was happening. Something he was being forced to watch. Something that was breaking him.

Again she struggled to move, only to fall back as the elements worked against her.

And then she felt it. A familiar pull, tugging her back to the land of consciousness.

"No, I don't want to go yet!" She struggled against it with all her might.
She yelled out at the top of her lungs. "Hey! Hey!"

At the last second, like a miracle, he glanced back. She couldn't read the expression on his face.

Something felt wrong.
Someone was touching her.
Tracing their fingers down her face, down her throat, as seductive as it was threatening.

And then, like a silent breeze, they were gone.

Well, I think after this we are officially on the home stretch of the book.

And I promise, book three will try to be a little bit more 'Mortal instruments' and less 'My crazy brain sent me off on a tangent.'

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