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His right eye is green.

His left eye is black.

His right eye... is green.

His left eye... is black.

Green and black.

His eyes are green and black.

His eyes. One is green. The other is black....

"Are you done staring?"
"Not in the slightest. Your eyes..."
"Yes, I do know." His voice was harsh but almost exasperated.

Nyx blinked swiftly, breaking her reverie. "Sorry. Just didn't expect that. What... why? What does it mean?"
"I told you, I don't know. I thought you might, since you did this."
Nyx snorted. "How did I do that?"
He rolled his eyes. "We're going in circles. Just assume you did everything, it'll be a lot easier."

Nyx grinned mischievously. "There are so many wonderful ways that statement can be interpreted."
"Stop flirting and pay attention."
"I was not...!"
Sebastian smirked at her horrified expression. "You're so... never mind. It's not important. Anyway, the eyes thing is only part of it."
"Everything you've said appears to only be part of it. I wait with baited breath for the whole of it."
"Complicated. I know. You said. A lot."
"But it is."

Nyx placed her palms flat on the table, trying to control her racing thoughts. "Let me just get things straight. One: You were dead, you are now alive. Two: Everything feels, and I quote, 'wrong.' Three: You keep blacking out and waking up in different places. Four: Your eyes have gone strange. Yup, I can see why you think you are going mad. Hey, where exactly did you wake up after one of these blackouts? Just curious, in case there's a connection."

He shrugged. "Most recently, the park where I first met you. Three times in a row."

The park? As in the park not far from her house? Uh oh. This didn't sound good.

Good? Bad? Needs work?

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