Shadow on the balcony

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"You know, you're supposed to dress up for a Halloween party."

"Oh, I did. I came as Sebastian Morgenstern. He's a half-demon shadowhunter who tried to take over the world. Except my interpretation has a green eye, a guilty conscience, and currently, a splitting migraine." He ground the heel of his hand into his temple, trying to massage away the pain.

Nyx approached him warily, feeling concern against her better judgement. "Maybe you should move away from the pounding party music."
"Probably." He leant his elbows on the rail, looking out over the sea of people, definitely not moving away. There was a long silence

"So, what are you supposed to be? A Fallen Angel or something?"
Nyx almost jumped at his voice, but recovered enough to get annoyed. "It's a bird! A bird!"
"Okay, it's a bird. I see it now."
More awkward silence.
They both spoke at once. "So, what..."
He smiled at her. "You first."
"Oh no, mine wasn't important. I was just trying to break the silence." She said, blushing lightly.
"Well... funnily enough... "
"Yours wasn't particularly important either?"
"Not really, no."
More silence, but this time it wasn't so cold and unfriendly.
An unspoken signal passed between them and they both burst out laughing.

"God, this is surreal." Nyx said between chuckles.
"If it's surreal for you, imagine how I feel!" He laughed, then winced. "Ow. Migraine."
"Are you sure you're alright?"
"I've never been better, honestly."
He looked at her with such a light in his eyes, she knew he meant every word. It was sweet actually, how differently he looked at the world, like everything was new and exciting.

She must have been staring because he broke into another grin at the distant look on her face. "See something you like?"
Nyx smiled cheekily, nodding.
"My reflection in the window behind you. I'm so amazing, I  can't stop admiring myself."

He turned swiftly. "There's no..."
She was halfway down the stairs before he realized.
Turning back to him she shouted over the noise. "You can with stay there and mope or you can come dance! Your choice!"

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