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"Hey, Mum, you know the bracelet you got me for my birthday, the one I lost in the caves, you didn't happen to buy me a new one, did you?"

Rachel looked up from the pancake batter she'd been stirring. "No, I couldn't. I did try, but it was one of a kind. Why, do you want a new one? Cause I can buy you a new one, it just won't be the same kind."
Nyx shrugged. "Nah, it's okay. I'd have to find something I liked as a replacement first, and everywhere is currently obsessed with this pink quartz stuff, which looks like something you drink when your nauseous."
"Hey!" Selene objected. "I like pink quartz!"
"Yes, but you like anything that includes the word pink." Nyx rolled her eyes.

Well, at least she'd discovered that it wasn't Rachel who'd put the bracelet there. It could be one of the boys, but they didn't like doing things surreptitiously.
And besides, something wasn't right about it.
It just didn't seem like a replacement.
It felt exactly like it was the original.

But who would put it there?

Lilith? Nyx doubted she'd be so subtle and non-threatening.

Lady Mater? Nyx couldn't quite see miss high-heels, grey skirt, neat bun scaling the drainpipe.

Alec? She doubted he'd be so worried about jewelry, and besides, he'd just hand it to her, or get Magnus to return it.

This was most definitely someone else. But the question was, who?
Was it a nice deed or wad it a threat?
Should she tell Rachel?
Should she be worried?

She was getting way ahead of herself. It probably wasn't even the same bracelet. It was probably... probably Dec.
That's it. Nick probably called Dec and got him to locate a replacement. Dec was definitely not one to ring doorbells and play delivery boy.

Probably Dec.


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