Little Chick

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Abby was laying wide eyed in her baby carrier in one of Lady Mater's spare rooms, bawling her head off.
Nyx walked over and scooped her up. "Hey, little chick? What's all the noise? Did the music wake you, cause I made sure to get you a room far enough away so that wouldn't happen."
Abby immediately cuddled into Nyx, tearful whimpering wracking her tiny body.
Nyx rocked her gently in her arms. "Were you just attention seeking again? Aww, did you get lonely?"

Abby made a whining sound, reaching towards the door with her little arm. Nyx turned to where she was waving. "You can come in, you know. She... Okay, she does bite, but she's little and she's teething. And it does absolutely nothing for your 'bad boy' image if you're scared of a baby."
Sebastian stepped tentatively into the room. Nyx grinned. "Bit closer than that. Come on, come introduce yourself."
He slowly walked closer, coming up besides Nyx.

Abby made a squeaking sound and buried her face in Nyx's shoulder. Nyx chuckled. "Aww, she's shy. Come on, give her your hand."
Gently, he brushed Abby's hand with his finger. She batted it away, yelling loudly in baby language. Nyx pushed her arm down. "Now, that's not nice. He was being friendly. Abby gurgled, sucking on her fingers noisily.
Nyx turned to Sebastian. "Sorry, she's a bit tired. Uh... here." She laced her fingers between his, ignoring her tingling palm as she took his hand.

Ever so gently, she brushed the back if his knuckles on Abby's face. Abby giggled, still sucking her fingers. Nyx giggled also. "See? Friendly."
Taking her hand out of her mouth, Abby pulled at their intertwined fingers, attempting to drag Sebastian's to her mouth.
"Uh... yeah, she does that." Nyx smiled ruefully as Abby sucked on his finger, drooling onto his palm. "It's... kind of endearing. Means she's warming up to you." Sebastian smiled widely. "She's so... amazing."
"Yeah, I know."

And we all go: Awwwww!

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