Christmas tree

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Nyx was helping Travis and Owen put up the Christmas tree when the yelling started.
Travis winced at the raised voices. "Uh oh, trouble in paradise!"
Nyx strained to make words out of the shouts.
From the sounds of it, Nick had found out about Selene and 'Christopher' and he was definitely not happy about it.

Nyx bit her lip worriedly. "Maybe we should go talk to them."
"Maybe we should not." Owen said, reaching above her head to hang up a bauble. "I'm not in the mood to be decapitated by a plastic hairbrush."

A few minutes later, Selene walked into the living room, looking flustered.
"Well, we just broke up."
"Oh, no! Oh, I'm so sorry!" Nyx said, wrapping her up in a hug.
Selene shrugged. "Whatever. I've moved on. Hey, would it be okay if I invited Chris to Christmas dinner?"
"No problem, I was considering inviting Hannibal Lector myself."
Nyx thought sarcastically.
"Uh... why? Are you dating him?"

"Not yet!" Selene winked saucily. Nyx felt like vomiting again.
"Are you sure? I mean, Christmas dinner is a family thing and... he's... probably... got family..."
And now she felt guilty for saying no. Damn her kind, sympathetic heart.
She shook her head. "No. Besides, it'd just be awkward for Nick."

"So what? Not my problem. He broke up with me, I'm just showing him what he's missing. Besides, moving on is healthy."

"Not five seconds after you've broken up it's not. That's just insensitive."
"Seriously, Selene, why do you need a date anyway?"
Selene chuckled. "He's not my date, just a friend. A hot friend who I think should be invited to Christmas."
"Swell." Nyx murmured under her breath. "And whilst we're at it, we can send the Clave an exploding turkey for Christmas, cause we might as well go all the way with incriminating ourselves."

I just realised, it's almost Christmas!

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