I want...

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She was unconscious by the time he reached her.

"No, please, please don't..., please!" He had no idea what he was trying to say, just what he was trying to achieve. She couldn't... die, she just couldn't. She was a good person, a sweet and lovely soul, who wouldn't harm a fly.
She didn't deserve to die.

Clary was gone. She'd sped off, after leaving Nyx on the ground. He'd wanted to go after her, anger and hatred almost blinding him, but Nyx was more important.

He cradled her in his arms, slow tears trickling down his face.
She'd made him feel so normal, even when she'd been annoyed or angry at him, and in his eyes she was beautiful for it.

He hand was fisted on the front of his shirt, like she was hanging on for dear life, her knuckles clenched deathly white over the dark fabric.
He didn't know what to do.
There was nothing he could do.
He'd never felt so powerless.

A movement in the shadows made him look up, and an angry snarl flitted across his features.
"What do you want?"

Lilith didn't answer, and crept forwards, silent as a ghost.
She crouched besides Nyx, and reached out as if to touch her. Sebastian drew her away, pulling her closer into his body.
"What. Do. You. Want?"

"That depends." She said, her lips twitching cruelly. "What do you want?"

He struggled against the question. What did he want? He was too much a mix of anger and hatred and fear and sadness to think clearly. His entire being hurt, his heart and soul feeling like someone had hacked them to pieces.

"I want... I want her back." He gulped, almost nervously. "An I want... I want to make them pay."

Posting multiple chapters today, cause I really want to get onto book 3!

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