Glitter and swagness

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"Look at me, I'm Magnus Bane, could I have any more glitter?"

Selene's eyes widened with  surprise. "Nyx, what the actual hell?"
Nyx skipped over to Selene, grinning widely. "My Halloween costume! It's great, isn't it?"
Selene ran a critical eye over her sister's ensemble. "Uh... That's one word for it. Another would be... no, I got nothing. But what's with the coat?"
Nyx twirled around. "Isn't it great? It's purple!"
"Uh... I can see that." Selene forced a smile. "It's good, it really is. Is that my sequined top?"

Nick walked into the room and burst out laughing. "What on earth...? And I thought your neon t-shirts were bad!"
"It's my Halloween costume, obviously."
"I can believe that. What the hecks it supposed to be?"
Nyx crossed her arms sulkily. "Take a guess."
"Is it... Magnus?"
"I totally guessed that as a joke, but okay!"

He pulled out a chair and plopped down next to Selene. "Speaking of Halloween costumes..."
"I have it all planned out."
"Now I'm scared."
Selene smiled at him sweetly. "Don't worry, the worst it involves is hair dye."
"Still worried. So very worried."
"Oh, and face paint."
"Absolutely terrified."

Nyx ambushed Rachel and Travis as they came downstairs. "Look at me, I'm Magnus Bane!"
Travis almost fell down the stairs with laughter. "That's surprisingly good!"
"Don't encourage her." Rachel said sternly. "She's not wearing it."
Nyx looked sad. "But whyyyyy?"
"Because it might be offensive to Magnus."
"It really isn't. It's funny!"
Rachel rolled her eyes. "How would you like it if Magnus came in a tie-dye shirt and curly wig and claimed to be you?"
"I'd put it on YouTube before you could say 'sugar rush.' "
"No. No dressing up as living people who could get offended."
Travis gave Rachel an fake-horrified look. "So you mean I can't go as Donald Trump?"

I couldn't decide between this idea and one other, but I figured the other was more suitable for what I have planned with the party.
But I couldn't pass up the chance to have Nyx dress up as Magnus!

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