Dance club

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"Nope, I changed my mind. I liked the christmas pink better."

Selene chuckled, brushing down the sleeve of Nyx's mini dress. "Oh come on. This is the tamer of the two."
"And yet it's like wearing a second skin. Which I really want to shed, by the way."
Selene puffed in exasperation. "Not my fault you don't fit much of my stuff. If you could grow several inches and develop more of a chest, it'd be a great help."
"Well, what about wearing my stuff?" Nyx said. "You know, the stuff I'm meant to wear and that actually fits."
"Oh shush. Your stuffs hardly suitable."
"And this is?"

The dress was black, almost skintight, and had a long sleeved, off-the-shoulder design. Secretly, Nyx thought it actually looked quite good.

Selene's was a little more revealing, but then Selene's always was

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Selene's was a little more revealing, but then Selene's always was. This time featuring a suggestive lace-up design across the chest which, Nyx decided begrudgingly, actually looked pretty sexy.

 This time featuring a suggestive lace-up design across the chest which, Nyx decided begrudgingly, actually looked pretty sexy

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Nyx sighed resignedly. "Let's just go, before I change my mind.

The club was loud, the music pounding as people danced, a heaving sea of stomping, gyrating bodies.

And Nyx was sitting at the edge of it all, wondering if she concentrated hard enough, she could turn herself invisible.

Not that anyone would notice if she did, mind.
Except possibly Nick, who was sitting forlornly next to her, staring at a drink in his hand.

Nyx nudged him. "Happy new year. You want a dance, bro?"
"Nah, I'm... fine."
"Well, it's either me or the hoards of beautiful women you do not have vying for your attention. Come on, it'll be fun."

Nick raised an eyebrow. "I thought you didn't want to be here."
"Oh, I don't. But it's you or Owen and Selene's practically been cramming him down my throat, so consequently, I need a break from the sight of him."

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