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This time it was Alec at the door.
Nyx rolled her eyes. "If you're here to bug me about what I think you're here to bug me about, then you may want to leave before I'm forced to revoke our unstable friendship."
Alec chuckled. "I'm not even going to try. I just figure coming myself would save you the irritation of facing someone who would. Also, Rachel's cookies are addictive."
Nyx smiled widely. "Come on in! She's just made a new batch. We have cupcakes too!"
She dragged Alec in, shutting the door behind him.

A moment later Selene found them in Rachel's kitchen, eating home made cookies.
She giggled, smiling brightly. "Hello again! Alex, isn't it?"
Nyx rolled her eyes again, speaking sarcastically. "God, Selene, get it right. It's Alec, with a c."
Selene mock glared at her. "It's maths, with an m, that you are supposed to be doing before you have cookies."
Nyx held out a cookie to Selene, swallowing guiltily. "Don't tell mum?"
"Depends, what will you do for me?"
"Depends. If it involves pink lipgloss and a hairbrush, you have no chance."
Alec laughed at the girls calculating stares.
Selene stroked her chin, as if in thought. "Well, I do have this cousin, Owen. He's coming to visit the city for a while, and I really don't want to have to hang around with him. So I'm thinking, maybe you could play tour guide a couple of times to get him off my hands?"
Nyx glared hard at Selene. "Cruel woman. Cruel, cruel woman. Okay, I'll do it."
Alec chuckled. "Well, that barely took any convincing."
Nyx shrugged. "Looking after some kid? How hard could it be? I already look after Abby most of the time."
Selene smiled wickedly. "Yeah, he's just some kid."

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