Conversations of the strange kind

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"What do you mean? I found the place by accident."

Nyx didn't like the strange edge he had to his smile. He was playing innocent, but she didn't buy it.
"That may be, but how did you know it was my house?"
"Your family's car is parked outside. I recognized it." He said it so naturally, so convincingly, Nyx almost believed him.

If it weren't for a couple of glaring plot-holes.

"And by recognizing my family car, you suddenly knew which window to climb through to reach my bedroom?"
He rolled his eyes, his lips twitching a grin. "No, that was the bit where you reached out to open your window before closing the blinds."

She pointed a finger at him accusingly. "So you are spying on me!"
"Anyone in the road could have seen you, you were sticking your arm out the window."
Nyx thought about it for a moment. "True... but that doesn't mean you get to climb into my room... What did you even climb, anyway? It's not like we have a handy tree or a rose trellis or even a balcony! It's just brick!"

He looked behind him, glancing down out the window. "Apparently not so difficult to climb. But the thing is, this is it. Stuff keeps happening that I have no idea about why or how..."
"And you think I do? Nyx threw up her hands in exasperation.

"Will you just shut up and listen for two minutes?!" He yelled, making her jump. He pinched the bridge of his nose, breathing hard. "I'm sorry. I'm struggling here."
"Clearly." Nyx snorted. "You're absolutely crazy."

He went silent, looking away from her. Then he spoke in a hoarse voice. "I know."
Nyx choked. "I didn't mean... what the fuck? I'm lost."
"I'm crazy. Or going crazy. It's in my head, Nyx. I can feel it. It's there, burning like acid, trying to drag me under, and I'm fighting it, but it's stronger than me, and it's so hard! And... I can't do it on my own. I don't want to do it on my own."

Nyx placed a hand either side of his face, looking into his eyes.
She spoke slowly and clearly.

"How the hell do you know my name?"

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