Family secrets

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"I swear there's such thing as an ice cream addiction, that's all the kid wants to eat! I know his mother being in hospital and all is stressful at such a young age, but it doesn't mean he has the right to smear mashed potatoes up the walls unless I crack out the Ben-and-Jerry's."

Nyx giggled. "This ones the same. Never tell her your getting her ice cream unless you can absolutely guarantee you can deliver. Temper tantrums seem to be her superpower."
She looked at Abby, smiling sweetly as the little baby wrapped her hand around Nyx's fingers. "Do you think she'll look like her mum when she grows up?"

Julianna snorted. "Maddie didn't. She ended up as the blonde goddess of the family."
Nyx eyed Maddie's parents and assorted relatives. "Oh yeah, she really doesn't look much like them. Well, apart from that old guy, she's got his eyes. And she's kinda got her mum's chin. But other than that..."
Julianna laughed. "I know something you don't!"
"Oh yeah? And what's that? Or are you not allowed to share secrets with 'the baby-stealer.' "

"Maybe I won't tell you." Said Julianna, grinning tauntingly. "It's only a rumour. And what good will spreading rumours do me?"
Nyx rolled her eyes. "Alright, I'll babysit Cody at some point. Just tell me."
"Deal. Well, did you know Maddie was only born six months after her parents were married?"
"So her mother was pregnant before she was married, big whoop. It happens."
Julianna shook her head. "Not when your fiancees such a traditional prude he wouldn't touch you until you were married."

Nyx's jaw dropped. "Holy... are you saying what I think you're saying?"
"Oh come on, even you noticed it." Julianna gestured to the family. "The only relatives she bares any resemblance to are on her mother's side. And barely anyone in this family is even close to Maddie's blonde."

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