New year's eve already?

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The necklace was very, very pretty.
It was like a little silver mirror on a chain, and Nyx would have loved it if A) She wasn't avoiding mirrors in general after the previous series of events, and B) It wasn't dubbed completely suspicious by the fact it had been given to her by Sebastian.
Other then that, it was cute.

 Other then that, it was cute

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Well, whatever. It's not like she liked him or anything.
She didn't have to actually wear it.
And that's why she slipped it on over her head. To show everyone she wasn't wearing it because she had to, but because she wanted to.
Or something along those lines.

It was cute and it went with her outfit really well. That's what mattered.

A few days later and she hadn't really taken it off.
So what? It just happened to go with everything.
And it was fun to fiddle with when she was thinking, or daydreaming or... breathing.
So essentially all the time then.

Selene swept into the room where Nyx was gluing sequins to a leather jacket she'd got for christmas.
"Hey, Nyx, whatcha doing? And would it be possible to drop everything and come celebrate New year's eve at a club tonight?"
"Unfortunately, I have plans to sit around, eat chocolate and watch TV until midnight, so no. On the other hand... what do you think of my jacket?"

"It's lovely, Nyx." Selene ground out sarcastically. "Please come to the club with me. I'll have to take the guys and I really don't want to have to face Nick and Travis alone. Also, we might get to meet some cute boys!"
Nyx rolled her eyes. "One: My jacket's awesome, don't say otherwise. Two: Cute boys? I thought you were working on Chris?"
"Yeah, well, that changed at the christmas party when he spent the whole time talking to Luci. But please come! You can bring Owen, and you two can dance and then when midnight comes..."
"We'll turn into pumpkins." Nyx eyed Selene's unamused expression. She sighed. "Fine, I'll come. But no stupid clothes."

I know it seems a little soon for another party, but I'm trying to keep the updates in time with the actual events.
Also, trying to pick up the pace a little.

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