Family hospital

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And just like that, he was practically one of the family.

Every time Rachel set foot out of the door, he was there, much to Selene's delight. Meanwhile, Nyx officially delegated herself chaperone-who-constantly-reminded-Selene-she-had-a-boyfriend-before-she-made-a-fool-of-herself.
No lie, that's what she officially named it.

Currently though, she was pushing Abby's pram along the hallway of the hospital towards Maddie's room, talking to her in baby speak.
There was a bet going on behind Rachel's back. First person to make Abby speak got twenty bucks from everyone else.

"So, my ikkle-likkle baby Abby, we're going to see your Mama! Can you say Mama? No? Okay."
She pushed the pram along, then stopped suddenly as she saw Maddie's room.
"Uh oh, Abby. Looks like Mama's side of the family showed up at last."
Nyx eyed the room of stern faced men and elegant, proud women.
"Maybe we should come back tomorrow, eh, Abby?"

"They're not really that bad." Said a voice from nearby. "Then again, if you're who I think you are, they hate your guts."

Nyx turned sharply.
A tall, brown haired girl with sharp blue eyes sat on a blue chair, tapping out a rhythm with her nails on the plastic.
"Uh... hi?" Nyx said nervously.
The girl got up of the chair and walked towards her.
"Wild hair, colour change eyes, rainbow-vomit clothes... You're Nyx L'ange, the baby-stealer."

"Baby-stealer?" Nyx glared at her, eyes narrowed. "She's part of my family too."
"Oh no, I'm not blaming you or anything! Just teasing slightly." The girl reassured, peering into the pram at Abby. She turned to Nyx and extended her hand. "Julianna Blacklock. Maddie's cousin. And believe me, I'm glad you've got the baby. I've already had to cope with the four year old. That kid's nuts!"

Credit for Julianna goes to SuwethaArriane

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