Going home

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"Cody, time to go!"
Julianna walked through the hallway, looking for the young boy.
A thunder of footsteps and the short blonde boy raced down the stairs. "I don't wanna go yet."

Julianna shrugged. "Yeah, well, I told your grandparents I'd have you back in half an hour and that was five hours ago, so we pretty much have to go now. Have you got all your stuff?"
"Not sure. I'll check."
Julianna sighed as he raced back upstairs. "I'm gonna have to physically drag him out the door, aren't I?"

Luci grinned. "You should bring him up to the mansion sometime. I'd bet he'd like that. Lots of rooms to explore."
"And lots of strange guests who'd probably eat him." Sebastian added dryly.
Luci pouted. "It was just a suggestion. Why are you in a mood?"
"Minor headache. It's nothing really."

"Please be nothing." Nyx silently prayed. "I can't deal with any more dead people. I don't even know what exactly happened with that!"

Cody raced back downstairs, carrying his tiny backpack. "Got it! We can go now! Wait, not yet!"
He ran up to Nyx and gave her a hug. "Fank-you for having me!" He lisped.
Then he ran to Selene. "Fank-you."
He went around the entire group, hugging everyone, including Luci and Sebastian.
Nyx stifled a giggle at Sebastian's awkward reaction to the hug. He obviously wasn't used to small children.
They all waved goodbye as Julianna practically dragged Cody down the road.

Selene spun around as soon as they'd gone. "I'll bet anything the little pest decided to 'redecorate'. Sorry, guys, but Owen, you're with me. We're checking for kindergarten-graffiti upstairs."

Travis yawned. "Yup. Well, I suppose I'm gonna... do something. Nick?"
"Whatever it is, no! Leave me alone!"
"I was going to say come help me tidy up, but if you're going to be like that about it..."

"Well then." Luci said. "I think it's time we got going too."
Nyx smiled. "Well then... thanks for coming."
Luci walked out of the door. "Come on, sunglasses. Let's get you some painkillers."

Nyx stepped to the side as Sebastian moved to go past her, but instead he stopped, turning to face her. Tentatively, he pressed a tiny silver parcel into her hands before leaning forwards and kissing the corner of her mouth gently.
"Merry Christmas."

Was it good? I always freak out when writing parts like this.

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