Boy talk

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Nyx breathed a sigh of relief once he left.
Well, that had been exciting and not in a good way.

Travis walked over with the ice cream. "Who was that?"
Nyx debated telling him. She really should tell him. But... She kind of didn't want to.
He'd tell the Shadowhunters and on the off chance they'd believe him, the blame would eventually fall on Nyx. What that would do to their family Nyx didn't want to consider. But they definitely would not get to keep Abby.
"Um... Some guy trying to get my number. Wasn't even that cute. I said no, obviously."

Travis raised an eyebrow. "A guy asked you for your number? I don't know whether to celebrate or be worried."
"Do the latter." mumbled Nyx. "Definitely do the latter."

At home, they found Rachel once again in the kitchen, this time kneading dough.
"Hey. How was the park?"
Nyx shrugged nonchalantly. "Um... Alright."
"Nyx got chatted up by a boy."
"Travis! I was not... we were just talking."
Rachel smiled. "You're eighteen, Nyx. You're allowed to talk to boys. God, by your age Selene already had three ex's. On second thoughts... I can't handle the tears of destroyed love. Maybe you aren't allowed to talk to boys." She glanced at Nyx's face. "You aren't supposed to look happy at that, missy. You're supposed to sulk, say it's not fair and have three secret boyfriends just to spite me. I worry about you sometimes."

"Don't worry. I have a plan. I'm going to help raise Abby, get a job as a comedian and in my old age become a cat lady. No boyfriends required."
"Oh, come on. Don't you want to be in love?"
Nyc chuckled. "I am. His name is coffee and he's very nice."

Seriously, anyone shipping any of my characters?

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