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The fake Clary laughed. "I don't need to be Clary, just look like her."
She grabbed Nyx in an iron grip, almost yanking her arm out of its socket as she dragged her along.

Nyx struggled against the things grasp. "What the hell is going on? Let me go! What are you doing?"

"Let's just say I've got a little surprise for your special friend." Cackled the fake Clary.
Nyx furrowed her brow. "What? Special frie... oh, I get it now. Right. Oh yeah, what surprise? Seriously, I wanna know."
'Clary' rolled her eyes. "Shut up!"
"Am I annoying you?"
"Good." Nyx kneed her roughly in the stomach, pulling out of her grasp and racing across the grass, fake Clary in hot pursuit.

Good God, Lady Mater's mansion had got to have the largest front garden in New York. Good, 'cause it gave her more space to run, bad, 'cause it gave her very few out-of-the-way places to hide.

Oh, God, please don't let anything else come at her. She couldn't take Draugr and some crazed Shadowhunter doppelganger. She couldn't really even take them separately!

"And more importantly, Nyx, how come doppelganger Clary is evil?"

"Shut up! Now's not the time!" She scolded herself. "Work that bit out later. Preferably with a drink and a cookie. Just keep running!"

"Seriously, though. That bitch is evil."

"I'll evil you if you don't shut up!"
Nyx giggled hysterically. Great, now she was having a mental argument with herself.
Today was really not her day.

And then it got worse.

There he was, not looking in her direction, instead scanning the treeline across from her.
The whole place stank vaguely of Draugr, making Nyx feel lightheaded.

Cold hands clasped around her waist, pulling her up short.

"Well, actually, this couldn't be more perfect."

Fake Clary gave a shout. He turned, eyes wide at what he saw before him.

And then something sharp and metal buried itself between Nyx's ribs.

She fell to the floor, her brain racing in an attempt to process this.

Her last thought before she blacked out was; "And he just saw what he thinks is Clary stab me. If that's not going to screw him up so bad, nothing will."

Nobody panic! I have at least three pages left, another book and people don't stay dead long in this series. Nobody panic!

On the other hand, I may have to grovel for Nyx and Sebastian's forgiveness.

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