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"Wait, what?"

She barely had time to register before he grabbed her, pressing his lips to hers.
She froze for a second, surprised more than anything else, but swiftly she began to kiss him back.

He smiled against her lips, tangling his fingers in her hair. Slowly, she dragged her hands up his arms and over his shoulders, feeling the hard muscles beneath, before lacing her fingers behind his neck and pulling him closer.

Somewhere in the distance, fireworks light the sky like a thousand coloured stars, signaling midnight and the start of the new year.

They pulled apart, breathing hard. Nyx smiled. "What was that for?"
"It's complicated." He was still smiling, an actual smile like she'd never seen from him before, full of light and joy.
"Oh, complicated. Okay." Nyx said with a small giggle.

He put his arm around her, pulling her close and tenderly kissing her forehead. "You're complicated."
"I'm really not. And... I'm lost again. What were we talking about?"
He shrugged. "About how you were going to let me walk you home?"
"Might have been that."

And so as the fireworks lit up the sky a thousand colours and the sounds of various parties leeched into the streets, they walked off down the road, smiling and laughing and talking about... nothing in particular, really.

And yet it was the most amazing conversation they'd ever had.

All too soon, they reached Nyx's house. Nyx gestured to the door. "Well then... this is me."
He nodded. "Yeah."

Nothing happened. Nobody moved.

"Okay, I'm sorry. I am going in now." Nyx said as though she were trying to convince herself more than anyone.
Then she swiftly began searching through her bag for her keys.
He chuckled. "Don't say you lost your door key."
"Okay, I won't say it. But I definitely had it earli... there it is!"

She held up the key victoriously. "Good thing I found it, otherwise I'd have to come home with you."
"Would that be so bad?"
She raised an eyebrow, still smiling. "Okay, I'm to tired to attempt to work out what you meant by that, so I'm going to bed. I shall see you... some point soon over the next week."

Standing up on tip-toes, she went to press a kiss to his cheek, but he turned his head to capture her lips.

And then she was gone, disappearing into her house.
He watched her go, grinning like a schoolboy with a crush.

Woo hoo! Everybody throw a party!

Okay, I'm good now.

No I'm not. *Dances like a hyper chipmunk* Woo hoo!

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