New year's day

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Rachel laughed at the five exhausted teenagers who collapsed at the breakfast table the next morning.
"I told you not to go out so late."

Selene snorted. "Once a year, Rach. It's only once a year. The one night a year I can stay out to three in the morning, chat to cute boys and drink as much as I want."
Travis laughed. "There's more than one Saturday night in the year, Selene."
Nyx giggled half-heartedly, poking at her cornflakes.

She wasn't really here. She was back in last night, trying to dissect exactly what had happened. Did he like her? Was it just a spur-of-the-moment thing? Or part of some devious plan to distract her and gain her trust?

Now she was seriously thinking about it, she kept remembering seeing him and the Draugr. Yes, she had no doubt that at least some of what he'd told her at the restaurant had been true. But she didn't know what to make of it.
And then he'd very effectively managed to scramble her brains so she couldn't think rationally about it.
Stupid good kisser.

"Well, Nyx hooked up. I don't know whether to panic or throw a party."

Nyx glared at Selene, giving her an evil look.
"It wasn't... like that. I was helping a friend in a crisis."
"A crisis which left you grinning like you'd slept with a coat hanger in your mouth?"
Nyx rolled her eyes. "Ask me no questions and I'll tell you no lies."

"You totally made out!" Crowed Selene loudly. "Wait, did you... do more than make out? Did he take you out somewhere nice? I need details! Oh God, I don't even know who it is and yet I can already see you getting married and having a hundred kids!"
Nyx sighed. "We just went to a Chinese place."
She gave her the look. "And we talked."
"And he walked me home."
Nyx sighed dejectedly. "Yes, we kissed."

Selene jumped up on the chair, shrieking happily and waving her hands around like a looney. "Omigod, omigod, omigod!"

Nyx glanced at Travis. "She's still drunk, isn't she?"
"Completely plastered."

Rachel grabbed Selene's jacket, tugging her back into the seat. "Yes, Nyx kissed a boy, it's very grand, but please do not break your neck over it. So, Nyx, is he cute?"

Nyx put her head on the table and groaned loudly.

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