It's complicated

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"I think I need your help."
"You said that already. My help with what?"

Sebastian ran a hand nervously through his hair. "It's complicated. I think... no, I know something is very wrong with me."
"Really? I wouldn't have guessed." Nyx said sarcastically. His steely expression said it all.
"Or I could let you continue without making it more difficult." Nyx added sheepishly.

"Well, for a start, everything feels wrong. My body feels like I'm driving a machine I have no experience with. I feel... broken. Everything is so different, yet I know it's the same. It's all... strange."
"Well, technically, you are your own reflection. That may explain some of it." Nyx mused, nibbling her lip.
Even though she couldn't see through his glasses, she could feel his eyes burning into her face. Her cheeks flushed slightly under his heated gaze. "What? It's true. Hey, maybe that is it. Maybe everything feels wrong because everything is opposite. You've been reversed! Hey, are you writing with a different hand? Theoretically you would be."

He thought for a moment. "That could be it. It would make sense. At least some of it."
"See? Problem solved. Can you leave now?"
"So you can go back to your thrilling conversation with the talking Range rover? Do you really want me to do that? Besides, I'm not done."
Nyx rolled her eyes. "Then become 'done.' You have twenty seconds or I'm leaving."

"I think I'm going crazy."
"And with that, I think I'm done."
"Just listen. That's all I'm asking." His voice sounded pleading. "I'm desperate. There is literally no one else."
Nyx blew out a sigh."Fine. What's wrong?"
"I keep blacking out. And when I wake up, its in a completely different place and I have no idea how I got there. Then there's... other stuff. It's difficult to explain. But I think it has something to do with this."

And swiftly, he tugged off his glasses.
Nyx stiffled a gasp. "Oh my god, I think I broke you."

Seriously, does that sound even remotely like him? Please, someone give me feedback!

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