Party planning

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"So do we opt for Halloween music or party music? Oh, maybe a mix of both!"
"Wow, Selene, you're really serious about this party, aren't you?"
Nyx and Selene were laying stretched out on the living room floor with a glittery notebook and pen, designing each and every detail of Halloween.
"Yup. It's going to be the greatest Halloween party since the beginning of forever!"

Nyx rolled her eyes. "Not in our floral wallpaper living room it's not."
Selene looked around the room for what seemed like the first time, chewing on her pencil thoughtfully. "Yeah, that's a drawback. It's gonna be difficult to make purple lavender Halloween-y. Though if we have enough drink, no ones gonna care."
"Yeah, well I've got one to combat that. Abby's bedtime. You just can't have drunk teenagers in a house with a sleeping baby, it's going to go so wrong. Besides, we've hardly enough room to swing a cat. If you're planning a big party, it's got to be somewhere else."

Selene pursed her lips, clicking her tongue against her teeth. "Right. But where? I'm thinking... I'm thinking... oh!"
Nyx looked at her suspiciously. "Oh? What oh? I don't usually like whatever epiphany follows your oh's, should I be worried?"
"It's nothing bad. Well, too bad. Just tell me, exactly how big is Lady Mater's mansion?"

Nyx laughed over exaggeratedly. "Very funny. Where are we really having it?"
"I'm not joking. We could ask her. I bet she's got like a ballroom or something we could use. Just think about it, it would be perfect!"

"Um..." Now how could Nyx say to Selene that it probably wasn't a good idea to throw a Halloween party in the general vicinity of Sebastian Morgenstern without saying that Sebastian Morgenstern was alive and she knew him?
", I think Lady Mater has a guest over or something. It may not work."

Competition still open, though thanks to those who have already left me some suggestions! They're really good and have given me lots of ideas!
Remember, the competition isn't just for Nyx, but for any of the characters in her family. You can even do Abby if you like!

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