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Nyx and Owen were sitting awkwardly across from each other at the coffee place, whilst Nick and Selene were busy ordering.
Nyx looked at Owen. Owen looked at Nyx.
They grinned at each other awkwardly, neither gracing the moment with words.
Nyx rubbed her eyes, sighing in exasperation. "I'm so sorry about... Selene and this and just everything. She has this thing about finding me a date. Thinks I'm lonely or something."
Owen chuckled. "It's alright. She's always been like that. Believe me. This isn't the first time she's tried this on me."
"She's a little too... enthusiastic, isn't she?"
"Just a little."

The following silence was heavy.
"So..." Nyx tried to break the ice. "What... What do you like doing?"
"Uh, I'm a bit of a free spirit. I spend a lot of time driving my car to remote locations just for some space. Mostly because my life seems to revolve around preventing Selene's sister, Emilia, from doing anything too stupid. How she became Alpha is beyond me, it really is." He fiddled with his fingers nervously. "Uh... yeah. Doesn't sound like much. What about you?"

"Uh... I... look after Abby a lot."
"Oh. Okay. That fun?"
"Oh yes." Nyx said, beginning to relax a little. This wasn't so bad. It was just conversation. "Oh, yes. She's such a sweet little one, really. Clever too, for her young age. I swear she can follow along with conversations and actually has recognises some of what you're saying!"

"Well, I'm pretty sure she was attempting to follow our conversation in the park the other day. You can see it in her eyes."

Nyx looked up at the figure that had just seated himself in the booth besides Owen.

"Rock. Hard place. Me. Oh god."

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