Little Rant

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So you wanna know what's funny? This girl she used to be my best friend right so I tried telling her how I feel about the way she treats me then she goes about calling me a bitch and how I'm a bad friend, crazy, dumb, etc but I already know I'm these things she doesn't need to tell me something I already know. She turned something harmless into an argument and blamed me for it but fuck it ya know. And then I still helped her out my lending her my shorts while we were fighting cause she was desperate and when I did she started arguing with me again and refused to give them back. Jokes on her I once bled on them 😂. Fuck fake friends. Anyway I got a notification saying someone logged into her spare account which is connected to another one of my emails. Hahahhahahah jokes on her. After that email I deleted that account deactivating her snap chat. Lmao its really funny to me.

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