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I laid there as my new husband's arms were wrapped around me. We both were currently on the couch watching as our children ran around in our new house. Yeah, we did have children and we were happy but I couldn't help but think about what led me here. What led me to this day.

"Something on your mind sweetheart?" Soda spoke breaking me away from my thoughts.

"Oh I don't know Soda. It's just thinking" I smiled and the door instantly opened to reveal Lila and Steve.

Instantly I got up and hugged Lila and Steve. Then and only then did their son run into the house. Happy. Smiling. Those days were the best. Seeing how kids are so innocent. So...happy.

"Kate, you alright?" Lila spoke and I nodded. A smile still on my face.

"Mommy!" my three-year-old daughter spoke running up to me. A picture in her hand and a puzzled look on her face.

"Who's this?" she spoke pointing to the picture.

"What do you mean darling?" I asked completely not comprehending the question.

"There's uncle Two, uncle Steve, uncle Darry, uncle Pony, and uncle Johnny but, who's that?" she asked pointing to a certain someone. There I knew who she meant. Dallas.

"That's your uncle Dallas" I smiled lightly at the though of him.

"Where is he?"

"In a better place love. In a better place"

"Oh. He looks mean mommy...was he mean?"

"No love. He was a mystery. A great one too. He was such a good guy that no one gave credit to him for it. If only he knew" I spoke softly and I saw her set down the photo and wipe my face.

"Don't cry mommy" she spoke and that's where I realized I was crying.

"Is he your friend?" she asked with a bewildered look.

"Yes love, without him you and your brother wouldn't be here" I spoke and she smiled running over to Lila.

"Auntie Lila!" she yelled and Lila smiled.

"Yes hun?" she spoke squatting down to her level.

"Do you remember Uncle Dallas?" she asked and she smiled.

"Well Madeline, I never got the chance to meet him but I heard many stories"

"Can you tell me?" she asked and instantly our little boy Dallas walked over.

"What? Story?" he asked raising a brow. He reminded me so much about him.

"Auntie Lila is going to tell a story about Uncle Dallas. He's in a better place mommy said" she spoke and he raised a brow.

"Uncle Dallas?" he said with curiosity laced in his tone.

"Yes Dally, Uncle Dallas" Lila spoke.

"My name is Dallas too!" he spoke with happiness and I chuckled.

I walked over and sat down next to them and pulled him onto my lap.

"Yes Dally, your dad and I named you after him. An amazing person" I spoke and he smiled getting up.

"Hurry and tell us the story!" Madeline spoke impatiently and I chuckled sitting down. Lila did too.

Both her kids and my kids sat down happily waiting for the story to be told.

"Do you want to start?" Lila asked and I nodded.

"Well, it was maybe...five years ago. Someone new came into town. His name was Dallas Winston..."

//Flashback Five Years//

"Kaitlyn!" someone screamed at me. It was Sodapop.

"What?!" I yelled back running into the living room just to be engulfed in a hug.

"Sodapop Patrick Curtis, put me down. Now"

He chuckled lightly setting me down. That's when I heard a small dark chuckle. I haven't heard this before so I knew it wasn't Steve or Darry. Not even Pony. Carefully I looked over to see a guy with chocolate brown eyes and dark brown hair. He looked. Cute.

"Hi, I'm Kaitlyn" I smiled holding my hand out. He only chuckled.

"Wow, this is different from New York" he chuckled darkly.

"That explains that stupid accent" I grinned making him let out a small laugh.

"Wow, I didn't think Dallas would be the laughing type" Darry spoke and I only grinned.

"So, the names Dallas huh?" I spoke. A smirk playing onto my face.

"Yeah doll. Winston. Dallas Winston"

//Present Day//

"Did you like him mommy?" Dallas spoke and I nodded.

"Of course I do Dal"

"I mean, like like him"

I stopped for a moment thinking a bit. What now?

"Katie?" Lila spoke and that's when I knew the answer. When I noticed everything. My son, my daughter, my husband, my friends, my all. I knew what to say and I was and am proud of it.

"Madeline, Dallas, when I was young I fell in love with the hood and the reckless. The hood was some crazy adventure that I loved to be around. Made me who I am. Made me, me" I smiled.

"What about the reckless?" Dallas spoke.

"The reckless, I also fell in love with. Maybe way much more than I was in love with the hood. Either way, both had a huge impact on me, my life, my all"

"What about now?" Madeline spoke and I grinned.

"Your Uncle Dallas was the hood. Your father is the reckless. Without Dallas, I wouldn't have found out my love for your father. Without Dallas I wouldn't be who I am today and well..."

"Well what?" Madeline and Dallas spoke together and I couldn't help but grin. Instantly I looked up at the sky smiling.

"I love you Dallas Tucker Winston" I spoke and looked at Soda.

"And I love you, Sodapop Patrick Curtis"


Ahhhh! I hoped you enjoyed it! I'm sorry it took so long!

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