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For littlecurtissis

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For littlecurtissis

//A Year Ago//

There we stood at the rumble...waiting for the Socs. It was empty. Just us. I turned and looked at everyone.

"Where the fuck are they?!" Dallas snapped and I only shrugged.

"I don't know"

"If they don't show I'm gonna l-"

As if on cue a bunch of Socs came in lining up behind one another like always but I couldn't ignore the burning pit in my stomach. Like something bad was going to happen...

When the fight began we fought. Fought until some Soc had this grin. He looked up and as if it were some signal they all ganged up on us. All of us and bit us.

"The fuck?!" I heard Two yell.

I admit it was weird...that wasn't the weirdest either...right after they bit us they fled meaning we won...what the hell just happened?

//Present Day//

It was another day like always. Me being the head cheerleader and all I was practicing my routine. From afar I could sense someone looking at me. I sorta ignored it knowing it was one of my brothers or their friends.

I had a small smile on my face and did a backflip along with some other tricks. It was a sort of special surprise for the homecoming game.

I heard a growl and I turned to see the person looking at me. I didn't get a good look because they suddenly hid from me. Slowly, I walked over and saw no one...odd.

I felt sorta freaked out so I quickly grabbed my stuff and headed out walking home.


I was halfway there when I felt a pair of hands on my hips.

"Damn baby, you're hot" Bob whispered and kissed my neck.

I rolled my eyes and pushed him off.

"Aren't you with Cherry?" I asked crossing my arms. He only smiled slyly.

"Broke up...wanna be my new girl? You're hotter than her. Way hotter" he said smirking and played with my hair.

Again I pushed him and walked again and he pulled me close placing a kiss on my lips. I pushed him off and snapped.

"I don't like you, Bob! Get the hell away!" I yelled and his eyes darkened and his breathing hitched. Oh no...

He pushes me to the ground and picks me up dragging me by my hair to an empty alley. He pushed me against the wall and placed kisses all over me. I pushed him off and spat onto his face. Bad idea.

He pulled out his blade and now I knew I had to yell. I had to because if I didn't...I'd die.

"DARRY! SODA! PONY! STEVE! TWO!" I started to yell their names and he covered my mouth quickly.

I bit his hand and he winced pulling away. I started to run when he grabbed me and slammed me against the wall...hard.

"JOHNNY!" I quickly yelled and suddenly Bob let out a low chuckle.

"Get the hell away from her" I heard someone growl lowly.

He and I looked to see Johnny. Standing there. Breathing heavily.

"And what are you gonna do kid? Weakling"

He growled lightly and transformed into a werewolf. He pounced onto Bob where he started to claw at him but Bob flashed his teeth and bit Johnny. He howled and soon enough Bon was overpowering him.

"G-go!" he yelled at me but I didn't want to go. I couldn't.


"GO!" he yelled and I again wouldn't move.

Suddenly anger took over and Johnny got back in control and knocked Bob out. He stood up calming down turning into his normal state. I hugged him tightly and I could feel his smile.

"Thank you"

"Anytime kitten"

That sent shivers down my spine and he gave a small grin but then looked down. Johnny was something else. He was kinda timid but once he turned into a werewolf he was all tuff and dangerous. It was adorable. Oh, did I mention my brothers and their friends are werewolves? Yeah, rumble gone wrong. Anyway, Johnny took my hand and pulled me away. I knew I could trust him.

Soon enough we were in the lot and I was so confused.


He cut me off by connecting his lips to mine. Kissing ever so softly and gently. Lovingly. He cupped my face stroking my cheeks and smiled lightly. Of course, I kissed back and it wasn't until he pulled away I realized what was happening.

"Oh God, I'm sorry J-"



"I'm done pretending Taylor. I love you and I want you to be my girl"

Wow, I've never seen Johnny so straightforward.


"Oh God, what have I done?! I'm such an idiot! Why're too good anyway..."

I shook my head and hugged him tightly.

"I will be your girl"

//A Year Later//

It wasn't until a year later where on this exact day and time and place Johnny and I were no longer girlfriend and boyfriend. This is where at the age of 13 Johnny took a knee and asked me to marry him. I smiled as my brothers looked at us. Teary-eyed but swore it was "dust"

Of course, I said yes because well, Johnny and I were madly in love. We still are.


Ahh, I'm sorry littlecurtissis but I hoped you liked this and sorry for the long wait. I really hoped you enjoyed it.

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