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For LailaIzQueen I hope you like it! Sorta changed it a bit!

I was sitting down cuddled next to my boyfriend Soda. We have been dating for about four months. I mean, we haven't done IT yet but then again, we aren't really serious...I mean, I don't think we've ever actually KISSED. I mean, yeah, we kiss and all but not make out or whatever. Yeah...

"Ello hoes!" Winter yelled walking in with Jax not far behind. He was laughing along with everyone else. She's honestly funny it's not even funny.

"Hey, you're being nice to my TWIN sister right?" Soda spoke exaggerating the word twin making me laugh.

"Of course mate" Jax spoke kissing Winter. They were pretty serious and I thought it was cute because anyone could see they really loved each other.

I mean, I'm happy with Soda and all but I can't help but wonder...do I really love him? I mean, he has said it, that he loves me. I haven't. Can't. I'm kinda too scared to commit. Moments passed and I realized I was talking to myself...In my head of course but still. Anyway, I realized that Win and Jax were gone. Then I heard thuds. Wowwwww. Honestly not shocked.

"Well, now I feel like we move to slow" he chuckled. I couldn't tell if he was joking...

"Soda, you know, I'm not comfortable w-"

"Lai, I was only kidding" he smiled lightly. I returned it.

The rest of the time he pulled me close and kissed me. Soon enough we were making out. It was...odd. I didn't feel anything...any...sparks or whatever.

"GET IT SODA!" Winter yelled making us pull apart. I noticed her hair was slightly messed up and her shirt was on backward. It made me laugh.

"Well, at least I didn't do a certain THING with my boyfriend" I smirked and she blushed. She hid her face and Jax came over hugging her. They were soon on the couch cuddling.

That's what our day contained. Me and Soda cuddling on the couch. The gang was watching Mickey. Everyone was doing their own thing when I noticed Dallas wasn't here. Odd. Ish. Probably out getting drunk like normal. I wonder why he even does it? Like, why?

Time passed again and I looked around. Everyone was either asleep or watching tv. I'm so confused sometimes. No, all the time actually. That's when Dallas walked in...stumbled in.

"I'm gonna get a drink" I spoke to Soda softly and he nodded kissing my cheek. I smiled and got up going to the kitchen.

Once I got there I felt someone wrap their arms around my waist. For a second I thought it was Soda but I knew oh too well that it wasn't Soda. I mean, I never cheated but I just knew. Knew that it wasn't Soda but Dallas.

"What do you want," I said softly and turned around to have him kiss me softly taking me by surprise. My eyes widened and he smiled. It was real...

"Dallas, I can't. I'm with Soda" I spoke and he nodded. The smile on his face went away and turned into the same cold face as always. I was so confused.

When he left Winter walked in shaking her head.

"Win! It isn-" I spoke but she raised a hand cutting me off.

"You're dumb" she spoke and my brows furrowed. I'm so confused.

"I didn't kiss him"

"No, that's not why Lai. I love my brother I really do but let me tell you something, Dallas and I once went out. That was before you came here. Dal and I we were...in love. Maybe. I don't know, we never got serious but..." she said softly and I was honestly shocked that her and Dallas could even be a thing.

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