Acapella Part 2

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Oof just a warning this mentions suicide. Don't do this know there's people out there who love you. I hope you all enjoy this! Stay Gold Kittens!

Lynn and Mal we're currently upset with their boyfriends but they didn't know why.

"I can't believe it Mal!" she screamed throwing a lamp.

"Neither can I..." she replied plainly. She seemed frozen in thought.

"Why would they do that?" Lynn asked tears threating to spill from her eyes.

"I don't know" Mallory replied.

Soon as they stood there they heard a knock.

"W-Who is i-it?" Lynn stuttered.

"Angel it's me," Dallas said and Lynn felt something built up in her she never experienced. That feeling was hate.

She was about to explode and Mal gave her that look saying don't do it. She screamed and took a picture frame from the table throwing it at the door. It was a picture of Dallas and Lynn. Halfway of what was supposed to be a prank, Mal figured out Soda cheated on her but she didn't know the full thing like Lynn did.

"Princess?" Soda piped in.

"GET OUT! I HATE YOU! I WISH YOU WERE NEVER MY BROTHER!" Lynn yelled suddenly surprising Mal. She had no reason to be mad.

"Lynn is there something you aren't telling me?" Mal asked looking at her with concern.

"N-no. It's nothing" she said and ran upstairs.

Mal was upset but knew whatever Soda did he should explain so she opened the door.

"Thank you," Soda said and Mal rolled her eyes.

"Don't make me regret it. Lynn's upstairs" she said to Dal and he nodded going upstairs.

"What did you do?" Mal asked and he shrugged.

"I don't know what did I do?" he asked stupidly and she rolled her eyes and then heard loud shouting and thuds. Immediately she ran upstairs.

Meanwhile, with Lynn, she was in her room crying. Why did Dallas have to do this? She thought to herself. She then heard a knock.

"W-what Mal," she said and it was quiet.

"WHAT?!" she screamed and that's when she knew who it was.

"Dallas?" she seethed.

"Angel, what's wrong?" he asked and she refused to answer.

Dallas sighed to himself and picked the lock surprising Lynn but before she could do anything he pushed her down on the bed pinning her down kissing her softly. The adrenaline coursing through her veins gave her the power to push him off and slap the living shit out of him. She started walking away when he grabbed her wrist tightly.

"Don't go" he pleaded and her glare deepened.

"Let go of me" she barked wiggling from his grasp.

"No" he replied plainly gripping tightly.

"LET GO OF ME NOW!" she screamed as his hands gripped tighter and tighter hurting her as tears threatened to spill.

He couldn't react with what was going on. A part of him was mad and a part was sad. He didn't know what he did. What he didn't realize was at this point Lynn was begging and screaming for him to let go.

"D-Dallas, please! Please! Dallas please let m-me g-go! Please, Dallas! DALLAS!" she screamed as tears spilled from her eyes and her makeup ran down her face.

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