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I was sitting in my room when I got a call from my boss. Blake.

"Morning Jay. You have another assignment today. I want you to go to Tulsa Oklahoma and spy on 7 teenage boys. I want you to watch them and gain their trust. I also want a full on report on how they act and how they look like. Their names are Darrel, Keith, Dallas, Steve, Sodapop, Johnny, and the youngest Ponyboy"

"Alright, Blake. Anything else I should know?" I asked.

"Yes. DON'T fall in love" he said and the screen went black.

That was odd. He never ever told me not to fall in love. Oh well. I packed up my stuff and got into the car driving to Tulsa.

When I got there I drove up to this small house and it was gross and run down. I walked in grossed out and started setting up my equipment. I was listening in on them and I admit they were quite boring. What bad things could these guys do? Oh well never judge a book by its cover.

I sat there and started getting sleepy from boredom when there was a knock at the door.

"Ug,h" I groaned and walked downstairs opening it to see the 7 guys.

"Hello! Are you the new neighbor?" one asked. He looked older so I'm guessing he was Darrel.

"Yeah, what do you want?" I asked bitterly.

"Well uh we just wanted to say hi," he said and I rolled my eyes.

"Hi," I said and shut the door going back up.

"She wasn't very nice..." Pony said and Dally shrugged.

"Probably lonely in there," he said with a smirk and I hit him in the head.

"That's not very nice. I'm sure she's perfectly alright" I said and he shrugged smirking.

I was watching them again and I saw some cake being made.

"What if she likes Vanilla not Chocolate?" Pony asked Darry.

"Well I don't kno,w" he said with a shrug.

"You should make it half and half. Vanilla on one Chocolate on the other" Soda said and Darry nodded.

Soon hours later I saw the cake. God, it looked amazing. I saw Darry hand it to Soda and said something to him.

"Take this cake to her. If she doesn't want it make her take it I don't know. Girls like you do whatever it is you do"

"That means you gotta show up without a shirt!" Keith laughed.

"That's disgusting," Pony said and Soda chuckled.

"I'm not showing up without a shirt. She already hates us enough" he chuckled and walked out the door and I couldn't see him anymore. Crap.

Suddenly I heard a knock.

I stood there waiting when I heard footsteps. The door opened and a girl with long brown hair and crystal blue eyes answered the door. It was the same one as before but I didn't seethe anger in her eyes. It was just normal.

"H-hey" I stuttered. She was so pretty.

"Hey," she said leaning against the door.

"Wel,l I broughta cake for you. We didn't know if you liked Chocolate or Vanilla so we made b-" I started but she interrupted.

"I don't want i,t" she said angrily and I shook my head pushing through and setting it on the table.

"You're gonna take it and eat it now tell me. What's your name and what brings you here?" I asked and her face softened.

"Jay and that's none of your concer,n" she said and her face darkened again.

"You're cute you know tha,t" I said with a smile.

I saw her blush and I smiled wider.

"Enjoy the cake Jay and have a nice day," I said walking out.

I did not just fall for him...

I hope you enjoyed it IzKatiebug and if you want me to change anything tell me! Stay Gold!

The Outsiders: Imagines, Preferences, and Lyric Pranks [Competed]Where stories live. Discover now