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For: IzKatiebug

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For: IzKatiebug

I was sitting on the couch when I saw Jenna walk in with a smile.

"Hey, Jenna!" I said and she smiled.

"Hey Pepsi-Cola"

I always had this crush on her since we were kids. She was just perfect in every way but she didn't feel the same. That I knew. She probably had eyes on Steve or something. They were always close.

"Steve, don't be dumb" she laughed and I felt my heartbreak. I just wanted to hold her and hug her and not let go till I tell her the three words I've wanted to say for a while...

'I love you'

They let laughing and smiling and I walked away.

I was talking with Steve and he said Soda liked me. I started laughing and soon Soda left. Odd.

"I am gonna go look for him," I said getting up and they nodded.

I ended up going to the DX seeing him with a girl all up on her. I felt my eyes water and walked out the door accidentally slamming it. Why did I overreact? He isn't even mine.

Some girl was all on me. Kissing me hugging me whatever really. I tried pushing her away when I heard the door slam and the little bit of brown hair noticeable from the window of the door. I already knew it was Jenna. I quickly ran out to find her. I didn't know where to go, to be honest, so I went to her house.

I knocked and no one answered. I kept knocking and knocking but no one answered.

"Jenna, can I come in?" I asked and she sighed. I could hear her.

"Fine" she whispered and I walked in.

"You know that girl started getting freaky," he said and I laughed.


"It's true and also I don't like her. She kept getting touchy. Do you want to know what she said?"


"She said "I bet you that you have a big one. Do you Soda?" that's what she said and she touched me. I wanted to scream rape" he joked and I laughed.

"You didn't like her?"

"Nope. I have this other girl I wanna ask out" he said and I nodded. Shame.

Hours passed and all we did was talk. Talk and mess around. Soon it was getting late but Soda looked down playing with his keys.

"I don't wanna go. Can I stay here?" he asked and I shook my head.

"Go home Soda," I said and he nodded walking out sadly.

After he left I laid on the couch and cried. I loved him. I really did. Moments later I got a call and I picked it up calming myself.


"Hey, Jenna! Can I ask you something?!" he said excitedly.

"Yeah? What is it?"

"I want to ask this girl out but I'm so scared she'll say no. She's just so beautiful. She has brown hair and blue eyes. Not to mention she has the body of an angel!" he said and I fake my happiness.

"Don't tell her that and you should ask her. Any girl would be happy to be with you" I said sadly.

"I hope so," he said nervously.

"Who is it?"

"Well uh well she's uhmmm umm well I uh" he kept stuttering and I chuckled. It was fake.

"She'll say yes Soda. I swear"

"I hope because Jenna Marie Lind...will you be my girl?" he asked and I froze.

"Oh my God I'm so sorry," he said and hung up.

I stood there still in shock. What the heck just happened.

The next day I got up and went to the Curtis's place. I sat down and saw Soda go into his room. I followed and before he could shut the door I stopped the door but it slammed onto my hand.

"FRICK!" I yelled Soda opened the door and looked like he killed a kitten.

"Oh my God! I'm so sorry Jenna I-" he started but I laughed and kissed him.

He fixed up my hand and we laid on his bed close.

"I would love to be your girl Soda"

God this is sooooo crappy. I hope you liked it IzKatiebug and Stay Gold!

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