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For IzKatiebug

Are you aware of what you make me feel? baby

I sat there on the couch sulking. I couldn't believe it...maybe he didn't love me. Maybe...maybe we weren't meant to be?

Right now I feel invisible to you, like I'm not real

I sat there waiting for him. I was on his couch. I had a surprise for him...It was his birthday. He walked in and I smiled.

"Hey Soda"

He didn't answer. Maybe he didn't hear me? I got up and hugged him. He didn't hug back.

Didn't you feel me lock my arms around you?
Why'd you turn away?
Here's what I have to say

I pulled away and looked up at him. "Soda? Happy Birthday. I love you" I said with a small smile. All he did was walk away. Quickly I ran out past him and to the empty lot. I needed to think...

I was left to cry there
Waiting outside there
Grinning with a lost stare
That's when I decided
Why should I care
'Cause you weren't there when I was scared
I was so alone

What did I ever do?! What did I do?! I thought he was going to be different! I thought he was going to love me like I love him! No, loved. I'm done. I'm so so so done with him. Why should I care? Why should I try? If he's not there for me then I shouldn't be there for him. Yeah. That sounds fantastic.

You, you need to listen
I'm starting to trip
I'm losing my grip and I'm in this thing alone

I walked back into the Curtis's house when I saw him look up at me. A look of sorrow in his eyes.



Am I just some chick you place beside you to take somebody's place?


"I'm not one of your toys. I'm done. Just because you don't have Sandy and I'm not her doesn't mean I'm gonna be treated differently so no. I'm done"

When you turn around can you recognize my face?

"Loren, listen"

"Turn around. Turn around and tell me. If I brought another girl in could you tell who is who? Could you tell which one is me and which one isn't?"


"Loren no, don't Loren me!"

You used to love me, you used to hug me
But that wasn't the case
Everything wasn't ok

"Loren, I love you"

I started to laugh.

"LOVE ME?! YOU LOVE ME?!" I laughed. It was too funny.

"It's true"

I was left to cry there
Waiting outside there
Grinning with a lost stare
That's when I decided
Why should I care
'Cause you weren't there when I was scared
I was so alone

"For the past few months you've been treating me like crap! I loved you Soda but I'm done! I'm leaving! I needed you and you were never there! I remembered every single holiday, date, everything! I even remember today is your birthday! Do you even know mine?"

"I do know it"

I laughed. "Yeah sure"

You, you need to listen
I'm starting to trip
I'm losing my grip and I'm in this thing alone

"I do Loren it's-"

"No, you need to listen! I'm losing it Soda. You don't love me anymore and that's okay. I can go if you want me too because let's be honest. I was always alone"

A tear slipped his eyes. You gotta be kidding me.

Crying out loud I'm crying out loud
Crying out loud I'm crying out loud

"Stop crying"

"I can't"

Open your eyes
Open up wide

"You can't?! Why do you care! You never even loved me! I mean you treat me like garbage! Is it because I'm a Soc or is it because I'm not Sandy!"


Why should I care?
'Cause you weren't there
When I was scared
I was so alone

"No, why should I care Soda. Tell me"

Why should I care?
'Cause you weren't there
When I was scared
I was so alone

"I'm sorry"

Pft. Sorry. Sorry.

Why should I care?
If you don't care then
I don't care
We're not going anywhere

"Sorry? You think that's going to work?! That's not gonna move US forward so tell me before I leave. What. Is. It"

Why should I care?
'Cause you weren't there
When I was scared
I was so alone

"I pushed you away because I was scared of loving you! I wanted to marry you! You treated me and loved me unlike Sandy could but you're a Soc! I couldn't please you and I was scared. I was scared if I asked you'd laugh at how small the stone was or laugh at how I thought we could be a thing. Like a forever thing. I was just scared of losing you but I knew I was going to lose you anyway so I decided it would be better if you hated me...I guess you do..." he said turning away.

Why should I care?
If you don't care then
I don't care
We're not going anywhere

I shouldn't have cared. I shouldn't have listened. I shouldn't have left but something in that made me believe him. I ran over and kissed him. Skip forward a few years and now we couldn't be happier. We did live together and not for a while...forever.


I hoped you liked it IzKatiebug

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