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For: IzKatiebug

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For: IzKatiebug

Great. My boyfriend of two years broke up with me. Apparently, I didn't "satisfy" him enough. I was done. So done.

Closed off from love, I didn't need the pain
Once or twice was enough, but it was all in vain

Why did this happen? What did I ever do?

Time starts to pass before you know it, you're frozen

Days and days have passed and damn I haven't missed someone this much...what am I doing to myself. I felt dead inside.

But something happened, for the very first time with you

I was roaming around Tulsa when my car broke down. Great...I walked over to the DX. Good thing it wasn't so far. When I walked in I saw him. I don't know what it was but for some reason something felt...different. A good different.

My heart melts into the ground, found something true

There was this certain feeling in my stomach. Crap. I was falling in love.

"Hey what can I help you with?" he asked and I smiled lightly. A faint blush going across my cheeks.

"Well uh my car broke down," I said looking down.

He nodded and came and fix it. I watched him and God it was amazing. He was adorable.

When he finished he sent me a smile. God his smile.

"Thank you. How much would it be Mr. Uh..."

"Curtis. Sodapop Curtis"

I smiled.

"How much is it Sodapop?"

"Well, would a date be fine?"

"A-A date?!"

"Yeah. Tomorrow at 7"

"Yeah. That would be nice"

And everyone's looking round, thinking I'm going crazy
But I don't care what they say
I'm in love with you

Many dates later he finally asked me out. I couldn't be any happier. I'm in love with him. In love with Sodapop Curtis.

They try to pull me away, but they don't know the truth

Sandy. Oh God, how she made me mad. Every day she kept trying to take him away from me. How much I wanted to just punch her in her face.

"Do you still love her?"


"Sandy. Do you love her?"

"No, no I don't princess."

The Outsiders: Imagines, Preferences, and Lyric Pranks [Competed]Where stories live. Discover now