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I was sitting in my room when my parents started fighting. Once again. I sat there alone and bored when my drunk dad grabbed a knife. He cut my mom and was about to cut me. Thankfully Johnny came home and quickly pulled me out of the house taking me to another one.

"Johnnycakes where are we?" I asked worriedly. We're we lost?

"This is a house I stay in a friends live here. Did they hurt you?" he asked looking at my arms.

"I'm fine" I said but then he pulled his hand away to see blood.

"Oh..." was all I said before I passed out.

We were just watching Mickey or doing whatever when Johnny opened the door looking outside every now and then.

"Guys please help her!" he pleaded and Dally picked her up carrying her in.

He set her on the couch and I looked at her with a smile. She looked beautiful. She had long dark brown hair and her eyes were closed so I didn't know her eye color.

"Johnny do you know who this is?" I asked and he nodded.

"It's my little sister...Sophi..." he said and the whole gang was shocked. Now I knew. Her eyes were probably the same chocolate brown color as Johnny's.

The whole gang had things to do so after Darey fixed her up I sat there watching her while Johnny rested. I looked at her God was she beautiful.

I woke up and saw a guy staring at me. He was cute but it freaked me out.

"OH MY GOD!" I yelled and somehow slapped him.

"Crap" he mumbled and Johnny ran out worried.

"Sophia what's wrong?!" he said frantically and the guy chuckled.

"Nothing Johnnycakes. I just surprised her" he said while rubbing his face where I hit him.

"I'm so sorry uh..." I stammered.

"Sodapop but you can call me Soda" he said and I smiled.

"Soda huh? Well that's an awesome name and sorry Soda for slapping you" I giggled.

I knew from there we would become friends.

That was the beginning of my life with Sodapop Curtis. About a year later he and I became closer and closer to each other every day. He made me laugh and I made him laugh. After Sandy left him I was the one who helped him and I admit throughout the year I didn't know I would ever fall in love with my best friend.

I liked Sophi a lot but it was so hard for me to ask her since we were friends and all. I asked Johnny what he thought and he said he was fine with it and he said there would be no one better for her. What we didn't know months later would be the worst days of our lives.

On March 28th, 1965 both Johnny Cade and Dallas Winston died. I mourned the loss of my older twin brother. It hurt so much. So so so much. I pushed away Soda and the gang when one day Soda came into the house Johnny and I bought to get away from our parents. He came into my room and sat with me. He held my hands and looked into my eyes.

"A long long time ago three months ago I asked Johnny if he wouldn't mind me dating you. Right now I'm not hiding it anymore. I love you and I want you to be happy. I want you to start making happy memories with me. Will you be my girl?" he asked and of course I said yes.

We spent the rest of our lives together. We had three children.

Jonathan Dallas Curtis
Texas Tucker Curtis
Andrew Jackson Curtis

I love my family very much and honestly couldn't be happier and to be honest it was all because of my older brother Johnny Andrew Cade. May he rest in piece.

ClydesdaleGirl17 I hope you enjoyed this! I hope this also hit you in the heart and if it didn't oh well. If you want me to change it in anyway tell me and Stay Gold!

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